B2B Copywriting
I write Business-to-Business (B2B) copy around 95% of the time. When I do write copy for the consumer maketplace, it tends to be complex products - such as the 'car insurance comparator' website I wrote for a subsidiary of Simply Switch. And within the B2B environment, there are some sectors that I have specialised in for years. Each has its own terminology, its own trade press, its own tone of voice and its own 'culture'. What's more, each sector tends to have a preference when it comes to the Look and Feel of its promotional literature. A special challenge for the copywriter. Using the sidebars, or the links below, you will be able to find out how extensively I have worked writing:
"Responses to the email-shot have really been storming in - including two requests for a sales meeting within just 45 minutes of the e-mailer going out. Your suggestions, as well as copy, have been invaluable."
Deborah Stowe, Marketing Manager, Silent Edge |