Samples of finished product.. I do hope you find the course 'How to be a copywriter and earn money from home useful. The written word looks so different once it has gone to print. The downloads below should help you to get a better understanding about the work copywriters take on... ![]()
Case studies
Case studies are an ideal way to get into copywriting. They are short and the input comes all from the client and their end customer. Case studies are increasingly being used on websites: Some clients like their case studies to follow a standard format Increasingly, clients are opting for a more free format, editorial style Some ar packaged more like a sales brochure ![]()
Writing for websites
This is a great market for the new copywriter - bags of opportunities and, because it's the web, simple text. Because clients do change their sites regularly, these downloads are the original Word version of copy. Web copy for a small, local cleaning company Sample copy for a web design company and another A sample showing how, when requested, you can include SEO guidance for the client ![]()
Product flyers & data sheets
Unlike product brochures, which are generally bound with card covers, product flyers are simple single sheets or multiple sheets folded. Large companies use them to augment their main brochure. This example is a mixture of product flyer and data sheet. As well as physical products, flyers can describe company services. And they can border on being a brochure. ![]()
Corporate brochures
Much copy you will be called on to write will be corporate and product brochures. International corporations like the big picture. Another example. A very different tone of voice is needed for consumer product Rather than products, you will often be writing about services Another opportunity for copywriters new on the block is to work with local companies 'White space' (little text) is favoured by many companies, especially in the professions ![]()
White papers
These are the meaty projects. They can take a number of different angles in very different markets: A 3 page paper that I would probably call a 'Management Briefing' rather than a White Paper, but it shares the same objectives for the Brewing industry A 9 page paper Pharmaceutical sector A 26 page paper that achieved remarkable response in the legal sector A 1 page paper on Sales Development A short industry briefing for the Air Traffic Control sector A cross-market paper on Branding Many White Papers are written for the IT sector - in this case a software company specializing in the shipping sector Another sector that makes extensive use of White Papers is the telecoms industry And engineers in particular are great consumers of White Papers As a novice copywriter, it is unlikely that you will want to tackle White Papers yet, unless you already have a specific expertise - you are an engineer, IT specialist, accountant and so on. ![]()
_Public sector
The public sector is culturally very different from the private sector. So, if your background is in, say the civil service or local government you are well placed to focus on that sector. You will have an advantage over 95% of copywriters. There is huge potential writing newsletters 'celebrating' achievements Writing brochures And public information leaflets As an 'insider', you will also know your way around the arcane decision-making and payments systems. ![]()
Voice overs
As a beginner, you will not want to get involved with scriptwriting, but in time... In the meantime, here is a sample written for a security company Another for a food quality improvements company |