Mind Mapping for Copywriters
A major problem for most writers is the that that the brain produces ideas faster than the fingers can work the keyboard. And ideas usually occur in a random sequence - one vague idea triggers off other ideas that lead to suggestions, images and concepts. Very early in my career as a copywriter, I discovered the power of Mind Mapping. I use the techniques when I need to take notes during an interview and I use it to develop the structure of complex articles, White Papers, scripts and presentation. Mind Mapping is way of transferring ideas from the brain onto paper very quickly and easily, using simple linkage diagrams. It began life as an improved way of taking notes during lectures. Rather than the traditional approach of capturing sentences in the sequence they were spoken, Mind Maps simply capture key words (sometimes pencil sketched images) with lines drawn to show the logical connections between key points. The technique was developed by Tony Buzan in 1970 as " a system for capturing ideas and insights horizontally on a sheet of paper. It can be used in nearly every activity where thought, planning, recall or creativity are involved” (Buzan, 1989). Mind mapping lets you brainstorm, generate and connect ideas. More importantly, you can see new connections between ideas and make new connections. And, last time I visited, you could get free sampler Mind Mapping software at |